Mitch’s site: start!

Here it is, the beginning blog (can you hear the hushed “oooo’s” from the back?)

Here we are, my site inception and where my slogan ‘Blogs, Copy and Content’ really comes into its own.

So, why am I here I hear you cry? Well let me put a smiley spin on that reason.

This is a site containing a blog (check you! you’re on it), copy and content to help you smile, laugh and generally click my site until the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking points are buying me a thirty-two course meal at the Savoy (other venues are available).

I’ve loved writing since I “discovered” the power of the English language in my late-teens. Coming out of college with a BTEC in Uniformed Public Services I wondered what would be my next step; and reaching-out to a lecturer gave me the idea of brushing-up on my English skills. Which I did with an undergrad’ in English Literature and Masters in Creative Writing with the Open University.

Just a quick one on the uniformed-elephant-in-the-blog-room. Early teen-life aspirations leant to becoming a firefighter. Yes, those brave he, she’s and they’s that siren their way to danger to make sure you, me and everyone else are safe. But no, not those in Survivor wading through clear skies and unlit firepits in nothing more than their undies.

Whilst we’re at my early teen-life goals, lets list the others (why the hell not, eh?). They included, but are not in any way ordered:

  • saving lives in a firefighter, police, or paramedic role
  • watching countless episodes of ‘Friends’ and quoting them relentlessly with ‘actual’ friends
  • see Leicester City win the Premier League and F.A. cup – come at ‘meh’ 2016 & 2021
  • find a professional goal and study towards it
  • make witty blog, copy and content that keeps the baying crowd wanting more (I’ll count you in;-))
First time I’ve mentioned it, honest…

And so-many-years later, after the writing study and drama of blue victory (see above) I find myself here, writing the blog that starts it all.

I’ll be creating content each week that ranges from fun to-even-more fun; political to the, well, the not-so-political; sport to the not-so-sport and the general everyday and the not-so-general…well, I think you get it? (Well, I hope you do:-))

So, we come to the end of the beginning blog. I hope you’ve found this at least lightly informative and maybe even funnier than initially hoped.

This is the blog that begins.

I hope to see you in the future where even more blogs, copy and content are sure to be found.

Ciao, for now.

By Mitchell Wood @


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