The Blog: 20-2-22

Eunice is having a right go. So take shelter; snuggle under that blanket; and read this week’s eloquent edition of The Blog.

The blog: 20-2-22
Time to take a load-off; scroll; and read The Blog. Image from SCS, click here for site

Been a few weeks since an edition of The Blog; the last being The Blog: 28-1-22. So, you might be wondering where the blog I’ve been.

The simple answer? Well, there isn’t a simple answer.

see also, The Blog: 23-1-22

See also, The Blog: 16-1-22

What a Way to Make a Living

Yep. I mentioned my new role in the last blog post and it’s taken up a fair bit of time, energy and blog writing powers. Who knew! (well, I do, and so probably, do you).

It means being on my feet meeting people all day, raising funds for select charities; and talking the wind out of a gale.

Also, I was out with Eunice all day Friday and they just wouldn’t stop. I couldn’t get a word in wind’s way.

“Working 9 ’till 5”

Dolly Parton

In that time, I’ve also been ill (no, not the ‘C’ word, but the stinkiest of stomach bugs) and took roughly five days to recover from a day/night out drinking in Birmingham.

It’s easy, simple and strangely satisfying to say, but as soon as you cross the bridge of 30, you cross the bridge of a quick recovery.

bridge on the blog: 20-2-22
Unsure if this bridge would ever recover. Image from Wikipedia Commons

For now though, I’ll put the violin away, because, there have been posts, just not in the stream of The Blog.

Alliterate, Alliterate, Alliterate

It's all about alliteration, the blog: 20-2-22
It’s all about alliteration. Image from Grammarly

This Tuesday saw the first in a series of a bitesize literary devices coming to Content with Mitch. Weekly posts centred on literary devices that underpin our writing and our speaking.

And we started with the absolutely barnstorming alliteration.

The post shows how allliteration is all over the place. It makes your written word/speech more memorable, musical and even more market-able.

For more on that low-down, click Alliteration: Make it Memorable

If You Should Fail: A Book of Solace. Why We All Are Failures

If you should fail: a book of solace. Why we all are failures
Think you know failure? Well, this takes a different view

Joe Moran takes a different view on failure – and in my short book review you’ll probably take a different view too.

Joe shows how our perception of failure is ultimately, well, failed.

From ancient China to homelessness and Sally Rooney, failure is all around us; and we all are a part of it’s overbearing embrace.

For more on that cheeriest of reads, click If You Should Fail: A Book of Solace, Joe Moran. Why We All Are Failures

See also, Learn 5 Shapes of Success

The Week Ahead…

This week sees the unveiling of a new page. Holy pagination!

It will include all the bitesize chunks of literary devices you can fill your mouth with. First was alliteration. Second, will be it’s close companion, assonance.

Also, tweet it lowly, but Content with Mitch will be coming to Twitter! The light-hearted, informative and conversational tone of yours truly will soon be singing from the branches.

Until then, and until next time, take it easy.

And if you need to go out – just remember that Eunice is about.

Happy week-ing

By Mitchell Wood@

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