
A No.11 Story

It is unknown whether these designs were used.

Flatly the same from Boris this week at No.11.

Boris, who lives in No.11 Downing Street, the flat above No. 10, exceeded the financial renovation limit on the property. Apparently, the “small sum” of £30,000 (a public grant) was insufficient to install a Death Star; so, he propped-up the amount with funds from Tory MP donor Lord Brownlow.

However, potential investigations have been extinguished like a Tory’s cigar in a private club. Lord Geidt, the parliamentary standards commissioner (sounds important, doesn’t it?), cleared the PM of any wrong-doing.

Donor-accepted funds should be made public by the PM, but, Boris only mentioned these when his former aide, Dominic Cummings, brought them to the publics attention in April 2021. Since then, the funds have been personally covered by the PM.

Where has all the love gone?

So, why should we care about this?

They call it corruption.

The WhatsApp messaging between Boris and Brownlow and the implication of corruption, that’s why. Or, at least, that’s the message from Labour.

In the leaked WhatsApp chat, where the PM asks if the interior designer’s contact with the Tory donor is ok, he end’s with the post-script “am on the great exhibition plan Will revert”. ‘the great exhibition’ was a proposal for a culture festival which Lord Brownlow was a trustee member; and six-weeks after WhatsApp-Gate, Brownlow did meet with the Culture Secretary to discuss it.

Plans for the festival eventually fell through, but Labour have used this episode to heap pressure on Boris; and at the same time imply a lack of honesty in his character and a lack of trust in his position as Prime Minister. They commented

“Lord Brownlow appears to have access to the Prime Minister because he was paying for a flat renovation. If that is the case, that is corruption”

Downing Street refurbishment: What is the row about? – BBC News

And that’s the not only jab from the red corner.

A little less conversation, a little more energy, please.

In December, I wrote about Boris’ need for Labour’s support in passing public health measures because of the open revolt from his back-benchers.

Party roles and allegiances have now returned to how we know them (phew!) , with Keir Starmer slamming the handling of the energy crisis. Labour, who aim to save households “an average of £400 per year on the bills” were referring to the expected energy price rise in April 2022. Throughout 2021, energy costs rose due to increased demand and low supply. Reports this year estimate an increase of up to 50%; which will only add further worries to struggling households.

All reports confirm that Boris ordered energy with his kebab

“Cabinet ministers are turning a blind eye to families in their own backyard struggling with soaring heating bills”

Said an energised Lib Dem leader, Ed Davey

INews continued their report of the Lib Dem’s message  with “a windfall tax on oil and gas producers who have profited from the price increases would generate enough money to give over seven million households £300 off their heating bills this years – an estimated £5 billion to £7 billion”

Windfall Tax is a one-off payment levied to a company, or companies, with the proceeds being used for social programs, like helping households pay the surging energy costs. In other words, the oil an gas companies would practically pay the costs of the energy rise (sounds great, I’m in).

With Boris appearing to stop short of lighting fires around the country; he also failed to come down hard on the VAT added to those expected energy rises. Which, with the body of costs ominously close  to tipping point, add one more dimly lit lightbulb to the  millions of households watching their wallets.

And, breaking today, with the parliamentary bell once more being rung, is the news that the PM was aware of a 100 person invitation to a Downing Street garden-party in May 2020. With the rest of the country under lockdown measures, the PM was part of a “bring your own booze” event.

The PM, neither by WhatsApp or public announcement, hasn’t confirmed or denied his attendance.

Keir Starmer, sharp as sambuca, advised the PM to “come clean”.

Let’s hope we can afford the heating. 

By Mitchell Wood, 11-1-22

#ContentWithMitch #BlogsCopyandContent

Has the Parliamentary bell rung on Boris?

Boris Johnson, U.K. prime minister, reacts during a daily coronavirus briefing inside number 10 Downing Street in London, U.K., on Thursday, March 19, 2020. Photographer: Leon Neal/Getty Images

Another day, another lockdown party at No. 10.

The Guardian published an image (Boris Johnson and staff pictured with wine in Downing Street garden in May 2020 | Boris Johnson | The Guardian) of Boris and his aides enjoying wine and cheese in May 2020 (the cheese and wine haven’t been specified, but I suspect a Blue Stilton with a tipple of Sangiovese were sloshed) whilst the rest of the country were under lockdown measures.

In the image Boris reclines in a sun-drenched garden whilst chatting, without an apparent care, to his aide.

The pressure builds on Boris after earlier this month Allegra Stratton resigned after a video went viral showing her laughing about Christmas parties during lockdown last year (Downing Street staff shown joking in leaked recording about Christmas party they later denied | ITV News).

The Beastie Boys once said ‘You gotta fight. For your right. To parrrrrty’.

And parties are fighting.

They continued with the not-so-subtle political shake-down of Boris Johnson on Friday, 17-12-21.

With language like “The party’s over” and “last orders” –

the message was clear from North Shropshire and the new Lib Dem by-election winner, Helen Morgan (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-shropshire-59693102).


Boris, whether enforcing another lockdown or not, is the proverbial Christmas kill-joy –

the uncle drunk before breakfast;

the brandy pudding without silver coins;

or the table without brussell sprouts (I know, they’re back).

Boris announced a return of mask-wearing on the 27-11-21 after the ominously sounding Omnicron hit the streets. These were tightened with another announcement on the 8-12-21, stating:

  • mandatory masks in more venues
  • people asked to work from home where they can
  • self-isolation to be replaced by daily testing for contacts of Covid people
  • and the NHS Covid Pass required for visitors to nightclubs, indoor unseated venues with more than 500 people, unseated outdoor venues with more than 4,000 people and any event with more than 10,000 people (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59585307)

Titled as ‘Plan B’, (or, in some circles, ‘The Boris Plan’; ok, those some circles are only one circle – and that one circle only includes me…) the suggestion resonates: follow this, or another plan will follow (presumably, titled this time as ‘Plan A’) that claws us back into the ‘you-can-see-your-family-for-one-day’ type of Christmas from last year.

In Shropshire, Paul Edmundson went:

‘I think the way the last few weeks have gone, a lot of confidence [in the Conservatives] ha[s] eroded away’


Shropshire, a seat seen as a Conservative ‘in-the-bag’ county, represents a turn in Boris’ support.

Tim Farron, former Lib Dem leader, ready to rally, said:

  ‘the people of North Shropshire [are] speaking for the people of Britain’.


It’s this feeling, that the festive party won’t go ahead, and we’ll all become well acquainted with Zoom quizzes again, that Boris’ political adversaries are latching on to.

And latch on they shall, with the sting of No. 10 parties still fresh, whilst the rest of the country was under lockdown measures, the pressure on Boris is reaching Bethlehem star levels.

But it’s not just the opposition that see a chink in the floppy fringe of Boris’ armour. His own back-benchers have risen in open revolt with these latest measures.

Given in blustering breath by Tory MP Roger Gale, ‘One more strike and he’s out’, Boris is teetering on the Tory MP precipice.

The fight from the back was all the more pronounced with Sir Graham Brady stating he will accept letters of no confidence in the Prime Minister over Christmas (Tory backbench chiefs ALL join rebellion against Boris | Daily Mail Online.

And, to dig in the thorned holly even deeper, Boris needed a political lifeline from Kier Starmer and Labour to pass the public health measure. Because of the back-bencher rebellion, a majority was only possible with the red side of the House of Commons’ support. Kier Starmer, tinsel-red in quiet confidence, said

‘[the Prime Minister was] so weak that without Labour votes last night a vital public health measure would not have gone through’

PMQs: Boris Johnson has lost the trust and authority to lead – Sir Keir Starmer – BBC News

How about those baubles, Boris?

So, as Helen Morgan burst Boris’ bubble on the frost-tipped slopes of North Shropshire, Boris may just have heard the bell ringing behind his parliamentary bar.

Helen Morgan and former Lib Dem leader Tim Farron (https://www.bordercountiesadvertizer.co.uk/news/19793118.north-shropshire-oswestry-voters-react-helen-morgans-victory/)

Merry Christmas all (hope not to see you over Zoom).

By Mitchell Wood @ mitchellwood@hotmail.co.uk

#ContentWithMitch #BlogsCopyandContent


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