The Blog: 23-1-22

Your weekly update.

And we roll-on to the final week of January. The dark, cold month of January. Where the proverbial Blue Mondays are rife; the funds are so low it’s like playing limbo; and the funnest thing you’ve done is read a weekly blog update at Content with Mitch (I’m here for you).

Playing Limbo or in Limbo? images from IStock and Google Arts & Culture, respectively

So what’s the plus of it being the last week of January?

Well, it’s the last week of January – wa-hey! check you.

Despite the misery surrounding the first month of twelve; it is one where we can quietly reflect on where we’d like to be in the next year. Because the ol’ social life takes a month long ice-dip in the Antarctic, it gives you time to take stock of last year, measure what worked, and see how you can maintain, as well as develop, the things you valued.

January is the month of the door; the gate; and new beginnings. At least, that’s where the word January derives from. It’s your age-old Roman god, Janus. He has two faces that simultaneously look forward and back; wears a toga; and carries a staff as well as a key (depending on which form you look at, Janus has both male/female heads; old and young; and wears armour or a toga – it’s fair to say that Janus has had a few revamps over the years).

the blog January
Janus – the Roman god of beginnings. Wood engraving, published in 1878. From Getty Images, click here for site

This week, at Content with Mitch

Janus was very much looking forward this week in the offices of Content with Mitch.

You were treated to a few things, such as,

“You have to treat yourself. Life is too short to deprive yourself of things”

Nathalie emmanuel, from az quotes, click here for site

Every Post – all in one place

click here for Every Post

Easy at the back, you’ll get your turn to look.

This week saw a new page at Content with Mitch – where every post will be published and catalogued for your ease, reading and viewing pleasure (you’re welcome).

If you ever wonder where that post you enjoyed a week ago as gone. No need to wonder or, for that matter, worry because it’s stored and just waiting another click and read.

Click here to check it out.

Article 1: A Guide to non-binary and neopronouns

From, click here for the site

Published on Tuesday, under the residual grey clouds of the day before (the official ‘Blue Monday’ was that day before), you might have missed this one.

In it, a guide, and link, to terms used by non-binary and people who don’t identify as non-binary; who use neopronouns.

A friendly, respectful and open read, it’s a great way to familiarise yourself with terms that you might be unaware of. So, you can approach gender identification with inclusion, identity and education.

To give it a read, click here.

Article 2: Learn 5 Shapes of Success

from, click here for site

Only published yesterday, you were probably walking-off that cabin-fever angst that accumulates throughout January (a walk in the countryside is fine by me; and from my assumption, it’s probably fine by you too).

I delved into success and the 5 different shapes that it can take. Ranging from salaries to ‘sticking at it’, it’s a light-hearted and insightful read on how success is more than the amount you make.

Click here to find out more.

And on to the final week of January, or Janus

Here it is, one last push and we’ll come out to the lighter skies of February (those eagle-eyed readers will notice that Jan’ finishes a week on Monday, so we’ve got a little longer than a week. But, I’m trying to be positive here; and a week and a day isn’t as compact as a week).

So, what will readers of Content with Mitch see these next eight days?

Regular weekly content on a range of subjects, that’s what.

Ranging from music to psychology; sport to politics; and everything in-between – there’s sure to be something there for everyone.

To prevent you missing that content, add your email address below and click follow. Or, if viewed on a mobile phone, the follow button pops-up in the bottom right corner.

Thanks for reading!

the blog 23-1-22; see you next week
from Sunday Social, click here for site

By Mitchell Wood @

And for that weekly content, add the email then click follow below.

#contentwithmitch #blogscopyandcontent


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