The Blog

Still waiting for that friend to bring back the double measure? Then, take a shot at this.

the blog
As lit as this blog?

What shall I monologue about today? What shall we drink to?

Well, frankly, I’m making it up as I go along.

But, earlier this week I posted an article about the Applicant Tracking System and how it’s a tool for employers to tailor their candidate search. But, if your C.V. is missing things like the relevant qualifications; work experience; key skills; and keywords (especially them, come to think of it) – your curriculum vitae doesn’t stand an Excel chance of being searched for.

Click here to check it out, exclusively, at Spiela.

5 Days since 5 Shapes of Success (click here) shook it up

image from

And almost 2 weeks since ‘Control, or No Control’ – (click here) made us think

Brains are not usually this colour. Promise.

The blog is making steady progress in the word of social media; SEO; and WordPress.

So much so, a few milestone-turned-mobile-pings had me dancing round the virtual kitchen. Ping-stones like:

  • followers
  • likes
  • and comments

The holy trifecta of dopamine hits – at least, in the world of blogs, copy and content.

A new week, a new role

“Let today be the start of something new”

from quotesGram

I started a new role!

I know what you’re thinking – you thought Content with Mitch: Blogs, Copy and Content(click here for Home), earnt me millions. But I’m afraid, and I don’t usually like to dent my reputation, that those millions are going elsewhere.

This week, in my induction training, psychology took centre stage. How six traits can increase the chances of people saying yes – or, at least, agreeing with you.

the blog, heck yes
You say yes! I say yes! Everyone say heck yes! image from, click here for site

Those six traits, called the ‘Science of Persuasion’, are – you guessed it – scientifically validated principles of persuasion. They include:

  • reciprocity: oblige to give. Be the first to give and your chances of receiving something in return rises
  • scarcity: people want more of what they can have less of. Remember the toilet roll “crisis” at the start of the pandemic? Well, that’s this one
  • authority: people follow credible, knowledgeable experts – like Boris Johnson telling us all to not even think of partying during lockdown…wait a minute (click here for BoJo’s shenanigan’s)
  • consistency: commitments that can be made. We all feel safe and in control when we know we’ll be paid each month.
  • liking: we all prefer to say ‘Heck yes!’ to those we like. Like you clicking the like or follow button on this post.
  • consensus: people look to the action of others to determine their own. In the study behind this, people were 75% more likely to reuse hotel towels if there was a sign in their room saying ‘this room reuses 75% of it’s towels’

Try some of them the next time you want pizza for breakfast but the next table frowns at you (‘this is the last pizza in the world’ – yeah – not convinced either). Or, you can conveniently click here for the video (after you’ve read the rest of this thought-provoking and engaging blog, of course) to delve ever so deeper.

Mi Encanto!

I mentioned music in my last blog post (click here for that riveting read) and I fully intend to muse over that subject.

The listening has been solidly centred on the soundtrack of the latest Disney release, Encanto. A family driven drama that includes magic gifts, vibrant scenes; and the odd song here and there.

And what songs they are!

Ranging from the ballad ‘Waiting on a Miracle’ to the hip-hop inflected ‘Surface Pressure’, there’s a a tune for everyone.

Then there’s ‘We Don’t Talk About Bruno’, which sees the entire cast ensemble to create a dynamic, sonorous and – despite the daunting content of the song – surprisingly uplifting aural treat.

On to the weekend.

A short blog post this week, but never-the-less just the entry you needed to exercise that thumb-scroll.

It’s been a hefty week of training, zoom calling and listening to Encanto tunes whilst my son ran from one end of the house to the other singing along (anything to tire him out, eh?)

Now I’m going to fling the shoes to one side and think of how I could make millions on this blog.

Any ideas?

Happy weekend-ing!

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By Mitchell Wood @

#contentwithmitch #blogscopyandcontent

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